
1. Modification history

  • 04/2024 :

    • visualization (xcs doc)

    • refactor AI PART (remove general info, and split into 2 categories: language for ml and tutorial 1 (apptainer/buildah/unet)).

    • change constraint_slurm (add tips with slurm command to know constraints)

    • Acknowledgment to DOI Glicid.

    • Glicid quickstart with Yoda recommendations

    • Tips squeue --me

    • glicid status

    • Add help categories

  • 03/2024 : add glicid_tools in hardware and software

  • 02/2024 : add new content (nautilus hardward/slurm/clam/optimisation/disk space/modules)

  • 01/2024 : Toggle alpha to beta version of the GLiCID documentation

  • 07/2023 : Toggle of the CCIPL documentation to the GLiCID website.

  • 04/2023 : More documentation about compilation

  • 16/02/2023 : ranking of old websites, lighter homepage.

  • 16/02/2023 : Changing of the user interface for the website browsing